Are you still going in the right direction?
Photo by Saulo Mohana on Unsplash
What comes next after each busy season?
Feedback season…
Promotion season…
Quitting season?
How many decisions did you dismiss during the busy season because you were so busy to think about it?
I had a lot of those.
I tend to park the major decisions at the end of every milestone.
I avoid making decisions when I’m tired or emotional.
I vet my decision from all angles.
Does that make me an over-thinker?
Is that a weakness I can mention during job interviews?
Maybe yes, maybe not.
If the philosophers had their Twitter accounts today, Socrates would tweet.
“The unexamined life is not worth living.”
So, it’s ok if you spend a long time examining your life.
It’s ok to cherish every moment.
It’s ok if you decide only after your mind and heart agree.
That will make every decision sound and truthful.
After each season, pause and examine what has been going on lately.
What’s working well? And what’s not?
Where do you want to go next?
Is your destination still aligned with your values and aspirations?
Are you in the right direction?
You may have a Waze.
But if that Waze is for Rotterdam, instead of Amsterdam…
You’ll still end up where you don’t want to be.
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Short power bombs of relevant insights to keep you alive, happy, and positive during your audit busy seasons. Connect or follow on LinkedIn for more insights and timely updates.