I belong to the numbers above.
And if you’re also part of this privileged group, you’re in a good position.
To make a difference in the lives of many people.
Not just to your family and relatives. Not just through your remittances.
But also through building your skillset and shaping your mindset
While having a happy, meaningful journey.
But you know, being a migrant comes with its unique challenges.
I remember my first international experience.
In Singapore, the work culture almost destroyed me.
An insightful experience made me realize that we’re all humans first.
We’re not simply cogs in the machine.
Then here comes my second international experience.
In Europe, no less.
This time, I promised, things will be different.
Things will be better.
But my conviction was not enough.
I wished someone would have guided me through my transitions.
I wished someone would have shown me what it meant to be a successful migrant professional.
But I didn’t find many people who shared the same experiences as I did.
Not all truly understand what it takes to build your career and life in a foreign country.
Among fellow Filipinos, especially in Europe, the professional network is limited.
Thus, I had to create my roadmap to succeed.
Imagine all the uncertainty
I understand the pains and challenges of moving to a different country for life or work.
After all, I did it twice in Singapore and Belgium.
You’ll face similar barriers as I did.
– Language.
– Communication.
– Cultural nuances.
– Work style.
You’ll doubt yourself.
You’ll sometimes mask certain parts of your identity so as not to earn prejudice.
Keeping and creating relationships become a balancing act.
As you gain new skills, you gain new opportunities to make money.
But without controlling yourself, you’ll lose more than you’ll gain.
You have your reasons for working abroad.
Aren’t you saving up for the education of your loved ones?
Don’t you want to save up for your business?
Perhaps you want to buy a house and lot for retirement?
Do you want to study again or fulfill some childhood dreams?
Whatever your reason is, you need a plan.
You’ll want to prioritize.
Figure out when to do it and how.
But even when this plan exists, you'll face obstacles.
You don’t know when illness or misfortune will strike.
A toxic colleague or challenging work assignment might block your career progression.
An unexpected lay-off can hit you hard.
You might lose access to your right to stay due to changes in migration laws.
Your family situation might demand your untimely return to your home country.
A change in employer, a change of countries, or even a total career switch?
Being in a foreign country, you face so much uncertainty.
You face many decision points.
At any point, you might also be thinking about the next steps. You might ask:
Is what I’m doing all worth it in the end?
Is this what I have to do to be happy?
What’s the point of my journeys?
Meaningful, existential questions
You’re not the only one asking.
These struggles impact your resilience and well-being while living and working abroad.
Sounds like a lot? It can be.
But why do you still stay on this path and move forward?
It’s because you’re one brave soul.
You have what it takes to survive and thrive in an international environment.
You’ve got your support system too. Family, friends, and a close-knit community offer possible solutions and advice.
But sometimes, don’t you want a different perspective too?
Don’t you want a guiding hand to give you clarity or purpose?
Because figuring things out on your own can be isolating and overwhelming
And it doesn’t have to be.
That’s where a coach can be your independent sounding board.
A trusted and competent person who will guide you through your decision points and transitions
Someone who will help you transform yourself into a happy and fulfilled adventurer.
Will you allow me to be your guide?
Where a happy, meaningful journey can take us…
Shaping a future of opportunities…
A future where migrants and OFWs
- Can use their skillset to gain long-term resilience
- Can contribute to a sustainable economy in both home and host country.
It’s a future where you can—
- Celebrate your identity, regardless of your work.
- Keep your dignity, no matter your location.
- Fulfill your dreams and your loved ones’ dreams.
You carry a heavy burden, I know.
And one by one, you can drop the weight of your dreams.
I hope that in the future, you and your loved ones will no longer live and work in another country out of necessity.
Instead, you will become a migrant because you choose to be.
As a coach
I aim to help you create a roadmap that will transform you into a happy and fulfilled adventurer.
I offer individual or group coaching and training programs with the aim of:
- Powering up your first 90 days in a new country or new work culture
- Creating a strategy for switching careers or finding your purpose
- Developing future-proof soft skills that will accelerate your ability to gain time and money
- Building your financial well-being and resilience while working abroad
Want to explore how coaching can help you?
Ready to start? Check out my current offers.
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